My Reading List

Not book reviews, but rather my thoughts and opinions on the subject matter, and/or author. Page/chapter numbers refer to the point I've read; i.e. pg. 35 means I'm up to page 35 but not farther. Chapter 6 means I've read up to the end of Chapter 5, &c
There will be spoilers and also a lot of swearing. I read a lot of true crime and criminals make me mad. Comments in brackets and red are not part of my original, hand written notes.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Devil's Rooming House

"The Devil's Rooming House" by M. William Phelps
hardcover   started: May 4, 2014

[For some reason I didn't take many notes. Amy Archer-Gilligan is the classic, scary, old lady. Also, M. William Phelps is one of my favorite true-crime authors. The worse part is how she would send the victims on errands to buy the poison she would use to kill them with. That's some cold-blood right there.]

--acording to I checked this book out in 2010 after my mom died. I have no recollection of reading it at all.
Looking at the photos, I'm starting to remember. I think she (Amy) is addicted to morphine.

pg 72 I'm feeling protective of Franklin Andrews- if she ends up hurting him, I'm going to be super mad.

pg. 119 I hate this fucking bitch. She's worse than "Dr." Hazzard. Poor Mr. Andrews